Uncommon Sense - A Blog About Everything
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14 March 2017
Corporations vs Charters
The history of constitutional law is the history of the impact of the modern corporation upon the American scene. - - Supreme C...
05 May 2013
The Reality of One World Government - It's Not A Theory
Many people are vaguely aware of the so-called One World Government “conspiracy”. While the idea has always been considered a fringe el...
23 April 2013
Asymmetric Cryptography As A Tool Of Liberty
Asymmetric Cryptography in the form of Public-Private Key Pairs can be a strong tool for personal Liberty by breaking the monopoly governmen...
05 April 2013
Economics Is NOT Rocket Science - Stages of the Economic Cycle
This blog was created to simplify the alchemy of economics. Economics is not rocket science, . I maintain that it isn't even a scie...
31 March 2013
American Taxpayers Supporting Jihad and Islamic Sharia Law
Does it get any more bizarre than this? The steady implementation of Islamic sharia law in the United States is a fascinating, comp...
28 March 2013
Crisis In Cyprus Update
In a previous post, Crisis In Cyprus , I mentioned that the Euroroup would take action to try to prevent a run on banks in other troubled Eu...
Crisis In Cyprus - Part 3
Agreement between the Eurogroup and Cyprus in regards to the bail-out/in has been achieved. The terms were much more sensible than first dis...
21 March 2013
Crisis In Cyprus - The Options
After Cypriot lawmakers rejected the ECB bailout, there is much speculation as to what will happen next. The official response from the...
18 March 2013
Crisis In Cyprus
As stock market speculation reaches new highs, it is important to realize that the rumblings of global financial collapse are growing i...
The word Liberty gets thrown around regularly these days. This is, of course, because Liberty is being destroyed now at a faster pace a...
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