Uncommon Sense - A Blog About Everything
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24 June 2017
Dave Ramsey Lie #5
#5 In Dave Ramsey's Continuing Series Of Lies This is an excerpt from promotional material attempting to (illegally 1 ) sell people th...
14 March 2017
Corporations vs Charters
The history of constitutional law is the history of the impact of the modern corporation upon the American scene. - - Supreme C...
06 May 2016
The Hidden Mathematics Of Drug Testing
Imagine the following scenario: There exists a drug test that is 99% accurate on both drug users and non-drug users; If 100 drug users ar...
10 June 2013
Misused Mathematics of DNA Sampling
Mathematics is the basis of modern technology. But it is also the basis of many false assertions. I have written previously about how s...
05 May 2013
The Reality of One World Government - It's Not A Theory
Many people are vaguely aware of the so-called One World Government “conspiracy”. While the idea has always been considered a fringe el...
23 April 2013
The Fukushima Corporate Made Disaster
It's been a few months now since the Japanese government released their 440 page report on the Fukushima disaster. [1] They blame j...
05 April 2013
Economics Is NOT Rocket Science - Stages of the Economic Cycle
This blog was created to simplify the alchemy of economics. Economics is not rocket science, . I maintain that it isn't even a scie...
28 February 2013
Lawyers Defining Morality
A little background. Two years ago my father came upon an accident where a car had collided with a light pole, shearing the light pole ...
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