Uncommon Sense - A Blog About Everything
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14 March 2017
Corporations vs Charters
The history of constitutional law is the history of the impact of the modern corporation upon the American scene. - - Supreme C...
23 April 2013
The Fukushima Corporate Made Disaster
It's been a few months now since the Japanese government released their 440 page report on the Fukushima disaster. [1] They blame j...
05 April 2013
Economics Is NOT Rocket Science - Stages of the Economic Cycle
This blog was created to simplify the alchemy of economics. Economics is not rocket science, . I maintain that it isn't even a scie...
22 March 2013
Soros and the Bank of England Revisited
George Soros is much maligned for "breaking the Bank of England". But most ignore the more important fact, that he forced the...
Corporate Profits vs Wages 2001 - 2011
Below is a chart I created using data from the U.S Bureau of Economic Analysis showing the increase of wages and the increase of corporate p...
28 February 2013
Lawyers Defining Morality
A little background. Two years ago my father came upon an accident where a car had collided with a light pole, shearing the light pole ...
10 February 2013
Telecommunications Breakage
Telecommunications Breakage is the practice of requiring a telecommunications customer to pay for more service than is actually used. P...
09 August 2012
Corporations vs. Charters
The history of constitutional law is the history of the impact of the modern corporation upon the American scene. - Supreme Co...
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